Ten years ago, what seemed like a dream is now a reality. In a small room on Martin Road in Kampala, Uganda with just four people, JWTL Ministries was born. What has been achieved cannot be quantified, but most of all, it has made irreversible life changes. JWTL is now a large and ever growing non-denominational Christian Ministry in Uganda. Its origins though humble, its impact on lives is and continues to be phenomenal.
It has been said, “The best ministries always know what they do best.”
From the beginning, JWTL was all inclusive andlaid emphasis on making the Bible Truth known and helping those in physical needs. As the ministry grew, so did the members, partners and friends.
This lead to an overwhelming demand of JWTL services all over Uganda, thus a need for unashamed workmen of Jesus Christ to fulfil the mandate raised and the bible college was established as an answer.
In December 2008, the International School of Christian Growth (ISCG) was established to train and equip men and women for Christian ministry and raise unashamed workmen of Jesus Christ with an exclusive balance of biblical studies and hands-on ministry, as well as changing the way people see God.
The school began its foundation programs in 2008 thathas grownfrom 4 students to thousands. In 2009, the school teaching began airing on radio waves.In 2010, the school began rolling out study centers in others districts of Uganda besides Kampala. In 2011,the school teachings broadcasts began airing on Television. In 2012 the certificate program begun and in 2013 the diploma program started.
In 2014, gratefully and effortlessly,the degree program was launched at ISCG with 23 students.
Surely when you watch and hear what is going on at ISCG,its patent that God is at work in and through us. Looking at where we began from, with certificates of completion to where we are now issuing accredited diplomas and degrees and where we are heading, most importantly the changed lives, it’s all indescribable joyand boundless thanksgiving to God because all we see is the fulfillment of Colossians 1:5-6.
The future of ISCG is phenomenal. Gerald is, along with many other gifted and skilledteachers, in love imparting the bible truth causing unalterable transformation and excellence in precious lives of people.